Office Of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Licensing And Litigation
At Saavedra-Goodwin, we represents Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs), creditors and other Clients in OFAC licensing and related matters throughout south Florida. The Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (OFAC) enforcement efforts can present extreme challenges for individuals whom OFAC labels as specially designated nationals (SDNs). For SDNs, overcoming these challenges requires experienced federal litigation counsel who can deal with OFAC agents on their behalf, and who can pursue appropriate protections in federal district court when necessary.
But, SDNs are not the only ones who can get into trouble for running afoul of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) and the various other statutes under which OFAC derives its enforcement authority. Creditors seeking to undertake collection efforts and foreclose on SDNs’ property can face civil or criminal charges under IEEPA, TWEA and other statutes as well. With the potential for millions of dollars in fines and decades in prison, SDNs and creditors alike must exercise extreme caution when pursuing any transactions involving assets that have been blocked by OFAC.
South Florida Attorneys For OFAC Licensing Applications And Commercial Litigation Involving SDNs’ Blocked Assets
At Saavedra-Goodwin, our OFAC practice consists of representing SDNs, creditors and other clients in the OFAC licensing application process and in commercial litigation involving SDNs’ blocked assets in South Florida and abroad. We serve primarily as local counsel for individuals and corporate entities who need representation in Florida’s federal district courts and state courts, and often work with other law firms that have clients with interests in our region.
While much of our current OFAC practice relates to SDNs who are citizens of Venezuela and who have been labeled as narcotics traffickers, we also handle matters involving SDNs from other South American nations and countries worldwide who have been designated based upon their alleged involvement in state-sponsored terrorism and other activities targeted by OFAC.
Our OFAC law firm’s representation for SDNs, creditors and other clients includes:
- Representing creditors, banks and other entities in complying with federal reporting requirements pertaining to OFAC-blocked assets within their possession in South Florida.
- Representing SDNs and creditors in OFAC license applications to unblock assets in South Florida and abroad.
- Representing SDNs and creditors in transactions involving OFAC-licensed assets in South Florida as well as licensed assets held overseas that are being transferred to the U.S. to satisfy domestic debts.
- Representing SDNs, creditors and other interested parties in commercial litigation related to foreclosures and other matters involving SDNs’ assets.
- Representing SDNs, creditors and other interested parties in securing safe harbor protection for transactions with Sectoral Sanctions Identifications (SSI) entities.
Saavedra-Goodwin: An OFAC Law Firm
If you need legal representation for an OFAC-related matter in South Florida, or if you have a client who is in need of South Florida OFAC representation, we encourage you to get in touch. To speak with an OFAC lawyer at our Fort Lauderdale OFAC law firm, please call (954) 928-9568 or contact us online now.